Game news:Offering Setting Input

From Atharia
Revision as of 07:29, 5 July 2023 by Minerva (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The staff of Atharia are willing to listen to input people have about how things are set up for theme. This means you can request/page/contact a staff member (aim for people involved in the theme stuff) to discuss something, suggest a change, offering possible ideas, etc... You can expect to be heard and your input to be considered. It does come with a disclaimer that staff might not add/change the information and/org does not implement it exactly how you would like it t...")
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The staff of Atharia are willing to listen to input people have about how things are set up for theme. This means you can request/page/contact a staff member (aim for people involved in the theme stuff) to discuss something, suggest a change, offering possible ideas, etc... You can expect to be heard and your input to be considered. It does come with a disclaimer that staff might not add/change the information and/org does not implement it exactly how you would like it to be. We will listen but how or if we add the input will be up to staff. Staff will try not to just say ‘No we won’t do it.’ We will try to explain why it won’t work.