Game news:Westgrain Viscounty

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Westgrain Crest.png

Ruler: Viscount Thorsten Westgrain and Viscount Armen Westgrain (Spouse)

Heir: Lord Aspen Westgrain

Kingdom: Luminat Kingdom

Typical Religion: Polytheism

House Colors: White and Dark Gray

Coat of Arms: Two crossed black swords at a central point.

Motto: They say strength comes in numbers but the most skilled can take out a good portion of those numbers before going down. Consider that.

Story: The Westgrains are quite the militaristic family and their skill in combat is what earned them the title of Viscount. The majority of the family tends towards doing something combat orientated be it hunter, soldier, naval, or some kind of fighter. It is never a surprise to know that a Westgrain is a member of the military, especially if they are ranked. Viscount Thorsten is the second to rule Westgrain Viscounty.

Westgrain Family Tree

OOC: Names, ages, who has children, siblings, or spouses can be changed within reason. The only exception for names, ages, and spouses (children and siblings are fine) is the rulers and their heirs. Also keep in mind in the ages of the rulers when asking/wanting to be in a certain place or relationship. The traditional way of how a kingdom passes down a title also needs to be kept in mind. Contact staff for any changes you want to make in regards to names or ages. People with no names can basically be adjusted however.

  • Viscountess Susi Westgrain (Retired) - Born: September 20, 1167
    • Viscountess Tullia Westgrain (Retired) - Born: May 29, 1167
      • Viscount Thorsten Westgrain - Born: March 10, 1185
        • Viscount Armen Westgrain (Spouse) - Born: October 30, 1187
          • Lord Aspen Westgrain (Heir) - Born: August 17, 1205
            • Child
            • Child
      • Sibling
      • Sibling
  • Guardsperson Masha Westgrain (Military - Guard) - Born: January 15, 1177
  • Sibling
  • Sibling

People of the Kingdom