Meddlesome Gods: Mataya wants Drew to Advance

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The clergy is preparing for up coming Holidays. While the clergy of Mataya are preparing she pays them a visit.  
Drew Whitewater, Mataya  
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IC Date
August 10 1225  
Date of RP
Sat May 06 2023  
House of God Mataya - Chapel Way - Temple District  
Room Desc
The House of Goddess Mataya has a domed glass roof that allows for the sky to be clearly seen. Shimmering droplet crystals on various length of chains of silver that they dangle from the domed roof at random intervals. The inside of the temple has light that is no doubt a blessing from Mataya for it never hinders the view outside the temple, no matter the time of day. However, the light is placed and designed in such a way it causes the little crystals to cast rainbows all about the temple. Draping the walls are crimson silk sheets, acting as a contrast to the white marble floors. The central point of the room has a statue of a woman that is dressed in a crimson outfit with her arms curled protectively around a sphere that has faces carved into it. Her head is tilted up and her expression shows a mix of sorrow and hope. The seating available scatters about the room, placing no specific location for the clergy of the House of God Mataya to speak their word, unsurprising since not many of them spend a lot of time speaking.  

The House of Mataya is exceptionally busy this day. As the clergy are doing 'fall cleaning' in preparation for the upcoming Holiday. Though it is 'LArthin's' holiday all the clergy prepare for it fully. As it is often when acolytes become a Bishop. The priests of Mataya are no exception. They are bustling about getting everything prepared for it. Lists of who will be promoted are drawn up, plans for what to do as a temple are made, etc. It is just a hub oof activity in all the Temple District.

Drew moves around doing what can only be described of 'fussing'. There's a nervous energy with Drew as they move amidst the temple most of their work is with the injured amidst priestly duties but their rounds were made long ago and so now it's supplies and checklists that they go about seeing to. Though not without pausing to speak with a variety of those as no doubt the ecclesiastical rumor mill remains in top speed.

The light becoming brighter and brighter is the first thing that announces the arrival of Mataya. The next is the prismatic crystals that start dotting about the room and adding to the rainbow effects of the already present crystals. Down the center of the room the Goddess walks towards the front. She always makes quite the entrance. That is what she does. However, though she is clearly there is form seems like it is starting to become translucent. IT is unlikely by choice because occasionally the translucency disappears but it doesn't last long. Mataya moves to settle herself down at the base of her statue and watches the clergy do their business. Not saying a word, as expected. THough many members of the clergy stop and stare the presence of Mataya in her temple is not the most uncommon of sights. Well, her presence is often felt and sometimes seen. IT doesn't change the awestruck of the clergy but it also doesn't stop them from doing their thing. IT is not long before a Seer bishop arrives and sits beside Mataya. She seems content to wait until the Goddess 'needs' her. The divination clergy members always make themselves available for the Goddess and often take turns.

Drew's first reaction, "Ah good we got some more light in here finally..." It takes until the chromatic diffusion and the nature of light filtering through prismatic crystals draws Drew to blink. Drew starts to twist and then turn and a smile comes to their features as they move slowly towards the direction of the brightness. Drew moves with one of the other priests and not having immediate to to do moves towards that growing congregation of those who while probably could be doing something, don't have something immediately to do so linger nearby ostensibly working curious to see the nature of the visitation.

When she sees Drew Mataya smiles and stands up. Her hand lifts to lightly press against the top of their head, "drew."is the only word she says. The sense of power can be felt in the word, as always. Over she as she returns the sitting once more. The shift between solid and translucent of the Goddess continues. A glance is given to her Bishop companion and for a moment a look is exchanged and the bishop says, "Acolyte Drew, Mataya is pleased to see you. She has been thinking about you recently."

Drew's eyes widen dramatically at that. There's a visible jump of startlement as the healer draws their robes a bit closer. There's a shift of uncertainty that comes from Drew as they make their way forward. Drew's fingers curl into the sleeves of their robes. Drew bows deeply and then murmurs softly, "I am honored to be in Her thoughts. I hope...I know...I... I have tried my best to keep her Teaching and wishes." There's a clear hesitation or worry there even if it might seem odd to one who is most certainly an unreservedly dedicated healer.

The head of Mataya tilts in concern for Drew at his visible uncertainty and Mataya gives a bidding gesture for Drew to share their woes."You seem to have something you wish to have heard." says the Bishop. She adds, "The Goddess would like to hear what you are not saying but showing it, intentionally or not." The Bishopess goes silent once more, speaking only when she is speaking for Mataya.

Drew bites their lip firmly and sharply. Drew looks around at the others nearby and the Bishop and then not quite up at Mataya but perhaps her feet. "We seek... to help. To grant succor and aid. But helping them achieve what they are meant to be. Doesn't always mean the same thing. Sometimes what they wish to do.... Is impossible to gauge or impossible to be done without taking things from others." Drew remains seeming uncomfortable with this base pursuit."

"The way of MAsquerade." says the Bishop with a smile. "It does not care if someone is good or 'bad' just that the person is where and who they are meant to be." The Goddess looks thoughtful a moment so the Bishopess goes quiet while waiting for a response. "You are worried it will be against the teachings of Mataya? Though the Gods can make sure you follow the ideals of the God you 'serve', none will do that. Not even Larthin. Just do what you feel is right." The Goddess gives another light pat to Drew then the Bishop says, "Why not become a Bishop Acolyte? Mataya desires you too. She has faith that you will do what is right. She will personally oversee your swearing in during the Festival of Devotion."

Drew's intake of breath is audible at the Bishop's simple statement. Drew nods their head quietly though their brows remain furrowed it's clear that while Drew understands the admonition to do what they feel is right that the healer continues to struggle with the weight of that ability to choose. Drew trembles faintly at the soothing touch and then their head snaps up, "What?" There's a deadbeat pause and then, "I...ah...I would be honored. I will do my best to do her proud." Drew says their voice quavering at the emotion of the statement.

The Goddess smiles at Drew's words. Upwards her hand lifts to curve around one of the dangling crystals on the roof and when it hand lowers an exact copy of the one she touched is in her hand. As her hand turns to be palm down a pristine crimson and lavender pocket mirror that is heart shaped and made of some sort of divine metal starts to dangle from her grasp and the 'glass' is made from the crystal. The crystal constantly seems to have a rainbow reflection to it. This time the now familiar voice of Masquerade speaks instead of the Bishop, "We have a gift for you, my Child. This mirror will show you the truth of your feelings and actions when you look upon it and think of what you are concerned ab out. It will bear a lavender tinge when it leans towards actions related to me and crimson when it falls closer to Mataya. A perfect blend of both means you have found a way to honor both of us. It will not say if your choice was 'right or wrong' in the grand scheme just whether /you/ truly feel it was the right choice even if you doubt it. It shows your true heart, I guess you could say." As Masquerade goes silent Mataya sets the mirror into Drew's hand. It is a very solid proof that the two Gods accept that Drew can hold them both in equal regards if so desired.

Drew looks on with awe as the Goddess' hand draws up and then pulls 'down' a copy of the crystal. Drew's fingers cup to accept it and shivering before there's a blink a widening of their eyes and looking around. Drew's tongue pressing against their lips in reverence and surprise looking. "I...ah. Thank you for this blessing." Drew's features are a little shocked but also seeming relieved at this physical approval of their desire.

The Goddess now starts to become more translucent and to sway as she starts to fall. She barely starts to tilt over when Ossian is by her side. Up the Goddess is scoped by the God. He must have been in a rush for nothing announced his arrival. He was just there. It is rare for a God not to have something to announce their presence. He gives an incline of his head to Drew before he tells them, "You should find your item soon. It will help you do what you must."

With that said both Gods disappear.